ENCP is a dynamic team of insurance specialists with extensive expertise in a wide range of areas. We report to our customers as quickly as we can in a spirit of impartiality and integrity, and in line with our mandate.
As is already the case today, ENCP also intends to be recognised in the future as a benchmark for dealing with claims relating to industrial risks, both nationally and internationally.
Skills areas
Damage assessment:
ENCP is well-versed in damage assessment in all branches of technical insurance claims, including:
- Construction Site All-Risk (ABR)
- Machinery breakdown
- Assembly & testing
As well as in all areas of liability insurance, such as:
- Public liability – after delivery
- Public liability – operating insurance
- Public liability architects and engineers
- Product liability
- 10-year liability
Loss Adjusting:
Loss adjusting is an additional service provided by ENCP under the leadership of Henri Jacobs.
This unique service from ENCP enables us to assist and advise our customers and principals in analysing a claim – and more specifically in determining the admissibility of that claim. We are also able to provide advice about setting the correct amount of compensation, based on the terms of the policy.
The ENCP team has many years of experience in guiding and advising companies on complex, multidisciplinary sales processes, from pre-qualification (PQ phase) through to completion of the commercial phase (financial close).
This involves drafting, verifying and advising on contract terms, providing support in contract negotiations and being the interface between the legal, financial and technical advisers.
ENCP provides advice in the area of insurance and project-related insurance packages. We are also able to assist in optimising organisations based on set objectives, as well as to provide advice in dealing with the effects that major projects may have within a company.
Legal assistance insurance:
Our office specialises in the (technical) assessment process for legal assistance insurance.
Our specialists establish the details of the insured party’s claim, by contacting both the policyholder and the other party(ies).
We guarantee our clients that ENCP will defend their customers’ interests as firmly as possible and that we will notify them immediately if there are any complications.
While our aim is to defend the interests of the policyholder, we also seek to achieve a correct, fair Amicable Settlement (if applicable) by way of a Statement signed by all of the parties involved.
Property inventories:
A property inventory or findings report is drawn up by both parties to form a written statement of the condition of a property, usually before the commencement of building or alteration works. An inventory contains in particular a detailed description of the property, accompanied by photos, as well as any damage (cracks, wear and tear, and moisture damage).
Establishing the record of damage is usually carried out by a loss adjuster prior to a contractor or subcontractor beginning to demolish or rebuild the adjacent buildings. The owner of the building declares in writing in advance that it agrees with the damage recorded by signing the report, which is dated. If the assessment is not accepted, the contractor will send a report by registered letter requesting the details of any comments to be notified within the month. If no comments are forthcoming, the other party will state that it agrees with the observations. After the works are completed, the building will again be inspected and any additional damage recorded in the form of a statement of comparison. After that, a financial settlement can take place between the insurance companies. Compensation may also be claimed for loss of enjoyment of the building in the event of a serious loss should the building be declared uninhabitable.
A resident of a premises cannot object to alteration or demolition works to an adjoining premises. This is deemed to be a normal neighbourly requirement. Any observations will be made by both parties so that in the event of a subsequent dispute, each party can invoke its rights. A property inventory is also drawn up when there is a change of tenants in a property. This is called a “landlord and tenant inventory” between two parties, i.e. the owner and the tenant of a property. When this is the case, each party will bear half of the costs.
Danny De Cuyper, ir.Senior Expert - Consultant
As a chemical engineer, Danny has over 20 years of experience in industry and the building sector. He specialises in construction chemicals and natural stone. Danny has been involved in claims assessments for over 10 years.
Marc Van Craen, PhD
Senior Expert - Consultant
Marc has worked for many years as a well-informed technical and scientific loss adjuster. He also specialises in areas such as architecture, chemicals, materials and technology. Marc also has a background stretching back over 3 decades in negotiation techniques. This makes him ideally suited for complex damage and legal assistance matters.
Yannick Tilley
Expert - Consultant
Yannick has worked as a loss assessor since 2008. He is well versed in areas including (bio)chemistry, environmental technology and (renewable) energy. Yannick has a background in international project sales (design, building & construction of industrial facilities).
Henri Jacobs
Senior Loss Adjuster
Henri has not only been a senior underwriter for many years in technical insurance, but he has also been a senior claim adjuster and as such is the insurance expert at ENCP. Henri is also still active in the technical insurance training programme at INSERT.
Bosstraat 158
BE-2850 BOOM
T +32 (0)3 827 51 37
F +32 (0)3 825 67 45